leo sherlockleo
dont waste money for boring thing and make you feel happy thing..... by the way, i don't have habbit of play games, that is my leeson from watching my friend experience. please correct me, thank you~
Jun 15, 2021 10:57 AM
Corrections · 2
dont waste money for boring thing and make you feel happy thing..... by the way, i don't have habbit of play games, that is my leeson from watching my friend experience. please correct me, thank you~
Don’t waste money on boring things or make-feel you happy things… By the way, i do not have a habit of playing games, that’s my experience from watching my friend do so.
June 15, 2021
don't waste money with boring things and make you feel happy things..... By the way, I don't have a habit of playing games, that is my lesson from watching my friends experience. please correct me, thank you~
June 15, 2021
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