1. I was born on April 29, 2002 2. My mother went abroad when I was 3 and I stayed with my father 3. I was 10 years old, my mother returned and my family was so happy. 4. My young brother was born on July 19, 2012. 5. I loved my family very much. 6. In 2020, I passed the university and started the journey away from home. 7. I have made friends with many new friends at my university. 8. I participate in the activities at the university such as job fair, book day... 9. 10.
May 23, 2023 8:57 AM
Corrections · 2
1. I was born on April 29, 2002 2. My mother went abroad when I was 3 and I stayed with my father 3. I was 10 years old, my mother returned and my family was so happy. 4. My young brother was born on July 19, 2012. 5. I loved my family very much. 6. In 2020, I passed the university and started the journey away from home. 7. I have made friends with many new friends at my university. 8. I participate in the activities at the university such as job fair, book day... 9. 10.
December 17, 2023
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