Joelma Bohnen
This a situation of struggle myself, even though we have all the steps to follow, it will be hard to steak them in a long term. I think, at first, we need to be very conscious about what we want to change and why we need to change. After it, we should break down the steps to baby steps. The first change could be the one that affect that individual person the most. Going to bed everyday at the same time, for example. Our body likes routine, so giving it bedtime routine is a good start. After mastering it out, we should go the next critical part. A good control of improvement is good you feel the nest day.
Jun 13, 2021 4:02 PM
Corrections · 1
This is a situation I struggle with myself, even though we have all the steps to follow, it can be hard to stick to them in the long term. I think, at first, we need to be very conscious about what we want to change and why we need to change. After that, we should break down the steps into baby steps. The first change could be the one that affects that individual person the most. Going to bed every day at the same time, for example. Our body likes routine, so giving it a bedtime routine is a good start. After mastering that, we should go on to the next critical part. A good measure of improvement is good you feel the next day.
Very well written, you are doing great! I corrected a few grammatical errors and word choices but over all you expressed yourself clearly.
June 13, 2021
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