Ei Ei shwe zin
Opinions are divided as to whether the way you dress and your performance are related or not. While some people agree on the fact that we should pay attention to what we wear, other people think that the way you work is nothing to do with the way you wear. In the following paragraphs, I'll be discussing about it and I will also state my opinion. Research has shown that how you dress is related with your mood. Dressing up formally heighten your confidence, and it makes you feel you are ready to take up any challenges. It also boosts your self -esteem and enables you to work like a professional. Some people may judge you from watching your attire. If you are wearing elegantly, they might suppose you are a well-organised person. That's why some organisations want their employees to wear neatly as it creates a good impression. To my mind, I wholeheartedly agree that dressing tastefully plays a main role when it comes to workplace. It is very important to show respect among co-workers. For illustration, we can look at a job interview. People always choose formal clothes, like suit for interview. If you wore casually, that would put the panel off hiring you. If your job needs to communicate with a lot of people, it is absolutely essential to put on formal attire, or not you will make a bad impression and they might not respect you.This show that how important dressing smartly is. Please correct me. Thanks for your time.
May 25, 2024 2:32 PM