1. I aim at mastering English by the end of the 2025 year. 2. The course aims at bachelor graduates. 3. I usually allow for weekends when I put a deadlines for achieveing a certain level in learning a specific language. 4. I sometimes like to act on my uncle’s advice 5. Kids and pets are not allow of.
May 25, 2024 4:10 AM
Corrections · 2
1. I aim to master English by the end of the year 2025. 2. The course is aimed at bachelor graduates. 3. I usually allow for weekends when I put a deadline for achieveing a certain level in learning a specific language. (not I understand this one) 4. I sometimes like to act on my uncle’s advice. 5. Kids and pets are not allowed.
Allow of? didn't undertand that one. Maybe you just mean 'not allowed'.
May 25, 2024 5:39 AM
1. I am aiming at mastering English by the end of the 2025 year. 2. The course aims forbachelor graduates. 3. I usually allow for weekends where I put deadlines for achieveing a certain level in learning a specific language. 4. I sometimes act on my uncle’s advice 5. Kids and pets are not allowed in.
May 25, 2024 5:09 AM
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