Today I came to a cafe to study with my boyfriend (I’m writing this from the cafe). He is taking an exam next month to be a public servant, but he seems still unsure if he wants to commit to the exam to change his career or continue his current job. For me both are fine, it’s his life and his choice. And actually I like this style of dating - going to a quiet cafe, spend time together studying and chatting a little bit. Since we live together, it feels refreshing to go out sometimes.
May 26, 2024 7:01 AM
Corrections · 3
Today I came to a cafe to study with my boyfriend (I’m writing this from the cafe). He's planning to take the civil servant exam next month but he still seems unsure wether to commit to the exam or to stay in his current job. In my opinion, whatever he chooses to pursue is fine. It's his life and his choice. Also, I actually like this kind of date - going to a quiet cafe, spending time together while studying and chatting. Since we live together, it feels refreshing to go out sometimes.
Best of luck to your boyfriend! I hope that whatever he chooses you'll still be able to share more quality time together. 😊
May 26, 2024 8:09 AM
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