Alex lee/kamiya
It Joseph Biden is a good president?Does he better than Trump?
Jun 22, 2021 1:30 PM
Corrections · 7
If Joseph Biden is a good president? Is he better than Trump?
June 22, 2021
It Joseph Biden is a good president?Does he better than Trump?
**Is he better than Trump?
June 22, 2021
It Joseph Biden is a good president?Does he better than Trump? Is Joseph Biden a good president? Does he do it better than Trump?/ Is he better than Trump?
June 22, 2021
It Joseph Biden is a good president?Does he better than Trump?
Absolutely not! lol. There are at least four types of people who benefit from his policies: welfare recipients, criminals, people who want to enter the United States illegally and foreign governments and adversaries
June 23, 2021
Is Joseph Biden a good president? Is he better than Trump?
June 22, 2021
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