Emma Agnes Linnéa
Community Tutor
Traducción de español a inglés.

Any english speaker here who would like to correct a translation I've done from Spanish into English? Would be very much appreciated!


<em>El otro día me dirigía a la emisora para encontrarme con un amigo. En la puerta, una mujer de mediana edad reclamó mi atención. Hasta aquí todo normal. Pero lo importante fue lo que me dijo a continuación: "Yo a usted le admiro muchísimo, lo que pasa es que ahora su nombre no me viene a la mente". ¡Fantástico! La señora acababa de sintetizar en una sola frase el sentido actual de la fama (si es que alguna vez tuvo un sentido).</em>

<em>Me permití contestarle a la señora: "¿No cree que si no se acuerda de quién soy, igual es que no me admira tanto?". No me contestó. Solo me pidió una foto que al final no pudimos hacer porque tenía la memoria llena. Lo que digo: saturación.</em>


I went to the radio station the other day to see a friend. By the door a middle aged woman reclaimed my attention. So far everything good. The important thing was what she said thereafter: ”I admire you so much, it’s just that right now your name doesn't come to mind.” Fantastic! The lady just summarized in one single frame the meaning of fame (it’s because one time it had a meaning).

I allowed myself to reply her: Don’t you think that if you can’t remember who I am, maybe it’s because you don’t admire me so much? She didn't reply. She only asked for a photo which we in the end couldn't take because her memory was full. What I say: saturation.

Jan 14, 2016 1:10 PM
Comments · 1

You write well!  I am impressed!


By the door,  (there is a pause there) 


reclaimed - works but in USA not used much, I would suggestion "got"


I admire you so much, after that you need a period.  if Otherwise this is considered a run on sentence which would be corrected in school.  I think a Semicolon  ( ; ). Is used to connect two different full sentences that could stand on their own. 


The lady summarized in a phrase (not frame)


One time fame meant something. 


I replied ( better than allowed myself to reply, that is assumed in just the word, replied)


the memory in the camera was full -- unless you meant to say that, her head was just so full of other stuff. 


What I say: saturation.  Of what?     Not super clear what you meant.   What I think you mean is we live is such a saturated world. 

January 14, 2016
Emma Agnes Linnéa
Language Skills
English, French, Italian, Persian (Farsi), Russian, Spanish, Swedish
Learning Language
French, Italian, Persian (Farsi), Russian