Ahilin Bautista
question for Portuguese speakers :)
Good morning everyone!
I'm trying to learn Portuguese and my level isn't very high, my question is, when would you use the diacritics letters? or how to use them?
May 7, 2019 1:03 PM
Comments · 7
The diacritics are part of the Portuguese writing, that is, the words in their correct form need the (accents) as we call in Portuguese, to differentiate the sound, some words that have diacritics are:

Olá - Hello

Mão - Hand

Avô - Grandfather

Avó - Grandmother

May 7, 2019
Hello, Ahilin! There're rules about when we have to use  diacritics. They are use to indicate the correct sound, to distinguisg words and etc. For example, we have these words: "está" and "esta". The first one is the third person (conjugation) of the verb 'estar' (to be) and the second one means 'this'. We know that because of the diacritic.
May 10, 2019

They have four functions:
1) To indicate the correct sound.
2) To indicate the stressed syllable.
3) To turn a diphthong into a hiatus.
4) To distinguish critical words.

The full set of rules are a little bit complicated.

If you want it,  ask me for it, and I will give you some material.

May 7, 2019
Se quiser aprender português pode contar comigo! 😚
May 7, 2019
Muito bom se quizer falar portugues sempre estarei disponivel a noite ate logo
May 7, 2019
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