Being a member in cheerdance is really tired! i am a member of cheerdance.we will have a Milo compitition, were all the university schools are involve.....then another compitition for SIGLAKAS '08.....its really tired practising the steps but its fun......our dances are very Go Go Southwestern University!!!!! ^_^

                                                                love ,
                                                               mej ^_^
Jul 3, 2008 12:01 PM
Comments · 1
Hi Mej
It's hard, isn't it.  But you look like happy.
Do your best, and I wish Southwestern University will win!
July 4, 2008
Language Skills
Arabic, Chinese (Taiwanese), English, Filipino (Tagalog), Japanese, Korean, Other, Spanish
Learning Language
Arabic, Chinese (Taiwanese), Korean, Other