Red Wine Dinner
What websites are banned (censored) by Chinese government?

For example, I know that blogspot is banned. What else are banned? Is wordpress banned there? How about facebook?

May 18, 2014 1:15 PM
Comments · 10

wordpress, blogger(blogpost), tumblr are also banned 

May 19, 2014

The system of firewall of China is called the GFW. Google it! ;)

famous websites like Twitter, Facebook, part of Google's services, Youtube, also thousand of blogs.


May 19, 2014


台灣政府 之網頁

May 18, 2014

And what happens if you , say , sneak your way into those websites using Probably Repudiatable Online eXtrication sYstems (if you catch my drift) ?

May 18, 2014

A lot 

May 18, 2014
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