Lesson 2 (This is ~ and its negative)

Do you know how to say this is ~ and this is not ~? Here it is.


This is banana.
1 2 3


これは ばなな です。
1 3 2


As you might have realized, the order of English is different from that of Japaense. Please be careful about it^ ^


Then, how do you say this is an apple.


1 ____ ____ ____。


For the answer, please look at the bottm of this.


Then, how do you say this is not banana? As we studied the last time, to make it negative, we say ~じゃないです or ~ではないです.(~じゃありません or ~ではありません), so you can sayこれはばななじゃないです/これはばななではないです。


This isn't banana.
1 2 3

これは ばなな じゃないです。
1 3 2

For the last, how do you say this is not apple?


2 ____ ____ ____。


1これは りんご です。
2これは りんご じゃないです。

Jun 9, 2014 1:32 PM