Tet holidays is coming Hello everybody, I hope you have great time with your family at weekend. Today, I will introduce something about the biggest festival in Viet Nam: TET holiday (Tết). This year, Tet holiday begins at January 29, 2014 and ends at February 05, 2014. Workers have nine day off for lunar New Year 2014. It means there are some interesting thing for foreingers to know: - On Friday, January 31, 2014, the streets in Ha Noi become quiet deserted. There are no motorbikes, no noisy. In this day, Vietnamese people don't have any business, especially we do not sweep the house or empty out rubbish (if we do that., our luck may also be swept away).It is important to keep everything ok and everybody happy in the first day of lunar Tet. If there is something bad (such as a quarrel, broken things,...), that means it will be the whole year of troubles . - When we meet together, we also give the best wishes for new year: Chúc mừng năm mới (Happy new year). Vietnamese have had the tradition of giving small children lucky money in red envelope on the first day of Lunar New Year, called "MỪNG TUỔI" - "LÌ XÌ". Adults give lucky money for children (or old people - the over 70 year people, we give lucky money to them for showing up respect) to welcome the new age on the first day of Lunar New Year. It is a small amount of money that can bring good fortune to the upcoming year. Therefore, I have some advices for some foreigners in Viet Nam. You should buy some red envelopes, and from Friday, January 31, 2014, keep smiling and say " Chúc mừng năm mới". If you meet children on these Tet holiday, you can give some lucky money in red envelopes for them. And you shouldn;'t buy something or do some business on these days. Enjoy Tet holiday by meeting Vietnamese friends and trying traditional foods. :D P/S: This lunar Year is Tết Giáp Ngọ (names after the animal designation: HORSE).
Jan 19, 2014 2:48 AM