Jaspal Singh Bal
Don't Imitate others; LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE Life is beautiful when we learn to live our own life. Don't waste your life by living someone's dream life. Did anybody ever notice the pattern of diminishing age of Human Beings. People are not living longer as they used to be. The question is why? Because they are not following their intuitions, the thing which they love.. If someone is not getting enough opportunities, he/she starts doing something else.. Such troubled minds never make their life after 60s they die on the way because they are living someone's life and when that someone( to whom they know not) dies, they also die. This happens with every individual whether, he/she is following religious leader, ideal, saint, swami or anybody. When their ideal dies they die, because they are living others life not their own. Look on the examples of people who are changing the world and helping the weary shoulders to get strength, who are they? They are the one's who have found their call. The gaint question to you is.. Are you following your own inner voice or just a Walking Zombie. who only knows eating otherwise he is dead because he does not have any feelings. Dare to resist the outer force, the inner has extraordinary power to put dent in the universe. with Love {Ref: Robin Sharma's books, Perception blog of Melody Allen, Steve Jobs Quotes, Pictured download from Internet through google search; Orginally written by Jaspal Singh Bal}
Nov 22, 2014 3:56 AM