orange moon
what‘s the meaning of “You are up” does that mean “it's your turn” can you give me some examples,thanks so much
Apr 5, 2012 3:05 PM
Answers · 5
It could mean it is your turn or it could mean that you are awake. For example, I say to you, "oh, you are up" like I wasn't expecting you to be awake. It is a question. It can also mean it is your turn. Say you are playing baseball and it is your turn and someone says to you, "you're up" meaning now it is your turn. I hope I didn't confuse you.
April 5, 2012
it mean v r growing up r else devolping in every way
April 5, 2012
Yes you get it: The guy before you has taken his turn... You are up.
April 9, 2012
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