differences between profits ,interests, benefits and revenue! i think these four words are all about money ,but what are the differences? thanks a lot!!
Aug 8, 2012 8:48 AM
Answers · 1
Profits: This is the money that a person or a company gets after they pay for the costs. Interest: If I put money in the bank, they give me interest. If I borrow money, I have to give back the money, and interest. Benefits: This has two meanings in English. 1: Benefits is money that the government pays to people who are ill or without a job. 2: Benefits is the extra things you get with your job. For example, If I work for a Cinema, I get paid by them, but as part of my benefits, they might give me free film tickets. Revenue: This is the money that a company takes from sales. It is different from profits because revenue is all the money a company gets, but they have to pay costs like rent and raw materials.
August 8, 2012
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