What's the difference between 안에 and 속에? Do they both mean "inside"? Are they used differently? Could I have some example sentences :)
Mar 17, 2013 10:59 AM
Answers · 4
• 속을 털어 놓다 unbosom [unburden] oneself 「to」; speak (out) one’s mind② • 속이 들여다 보이다 be easily seen through② • 속이 빤히 들여다 보이는 거짓말 a trans-parent [an obvious] lie② • 속이 들여다 보이는 짓을 하다 resort to a shallow trick; make a hollow imposture② • 가슴속에 비밀을 품다 keep a secret in one’s bosom② • 속 각각 말 각각 do not mean what one says② • 그는 속이 넓은 사람이다 He is large-hearted.② • 그는 장사 속을 잘 안다 He knows the busi-ness inside out.② • 연필속 lead③ • 매트리스에 속을 넣다 stuff the mattress③ • 그릇 속의 것을 비우다 drain a vessel of its con-tents③ • 지갑 속을 털다 empty one’s purse③ • 자 속의 것은 무엇입니까 What is there in the box ? ③ • 사과 속을 도려내다 core an apple④ • 배추 속 the heart of a Chinese cab-bage④ • 속속들이 썩다 be rotten to the core④ • 추위가 뼛속까지 스며들다 be chilled to the marrow [bone].④ • 빈 속 empty stomach⑤ • 속이 비다 get [feel] hungry⑤ • 속이 좋지 않다 『느글거리다』 feel sick [nausea]; be sick at the stomach⑤ • 『배탈이 나서』 get one’s bowls out of order⑤ • 『얹혀서』 be heavy [stodgy]; oppress the stomach.⑤ • 쏟아지는 빗 속을 「go out」 in the (pouring) rain⑥ • 그들은 폭풍우 속에서 출항했다 They left in the middle of the storm.⑥ (Sorry, though I am a native Korean speaker, it's too hard to explain them, so I just copy my dictionary to show you examples.)
March 17, 2013
속 ① 『안』 the inside; the interior 「of a thing」; the inner part; 『깊숙한』 the innermost [inmost] recess; the heart. ② 『마음‧이면』 the depth; the bottom; the heart; inner workings (장사의). ③ 『속엣것』 contents (내용); sub-stance (실질); stuff (이불‧박제 표본 따위의). ④ 『중심‧핵』 a heart; a core (과일의); a pith (초목의); 『뼛속』 the marrow. ⑤ 『뱃속』 insides; stomach. ⑥ 『한창 ┅하는 가운데』 • 산 속 the heart of a mountain① • 서랍[봉투] 속 the inside of a drawer [an envelope]① • 그림 속의 꽃 the flow-ers in the picture① • 말 속의 숨은 뜻 the hidden meaning of words① • 물 속 깊이 deep in the water; at the bot-tom of the sea① • 숲 속을 지나가다 pass [go] through a wood① • 숲 속으로 들어가다 take to the woods.① • 속에: 속에 in; into; within; inside; inward① •『많은 것의』 among① • 빈곤 속에서 in poverty① • 서랍 속에서 꺼내다 take 「something」 out of a drawer① • 굴 속에서 살다 live in a cave① • 붐비는 인파 속에서 놓치다 lose sight of 「a person」 in the crowd.① • 배는 바닷속에 가라앉았다 The ship sank down to the bottom of the sea.① • 속이 검은 black-hearted; scheming② • (마음)속으로는 at bottom [heart]; in one’s heart of hearts② • 속을 알 수 없는 사람 a mysterious character; an enig-matic person; a sphinx② • 속으로 걱정하다 be secretly worried 「about」② • 속으로 웃다 laugh in one’s sleeve; grin inside② • 속을 떠보다 sound 「a person」 on [about]; probe 「a person’s」 inten-tion; throw out a feeler② • 속을 빤히 들여다 보다 see through 「a person’s」 intention; see through 「a person’s」 heart; read another’s inmost thoughts② • 속을 썩이다 worry oneself [be worried] 「about, over」②
March 17, 2013
They are literally inside but.... Let's have some examples from dictionary. It's really hard to explain but they are slightly different. eg. 집안(O) 집속(X) I'll start with 안 안 ①『내부』 the interior; the inside. ②『미만』 inside of; within; less [not more] than; during (┅중에). ③『뒷면』 the back; the wrong side; the reverse side; the other side; the under surface(아래쪽); the inside (내면). ┈┈• 집[차]안에 in the house [a car] ① ┈┈• 안에(서) within; inside; indoors ① ┈┈• 안의 사정 the internal affairs ① ┈┈• 안으로부터 from within; from the inside ① ┈┈• 안으로 모시다 let [show] 「a person」 in ① ┈┈• 공을 상자 안에 넣다 put a ball into the box ① ┈┈• 안으로 들어가다 go [come, get, step, walk] in ┈┈• 안에서 놀다 play indoors ① ┈┈• 집 안에서 나오다 come from within the house ① ┈┈• 집안에 들어박혀 있다 stay indoors; be confined to one’s house; stick 「at home [in the house] ① ┈┈• 집안은 모든 것이 뒤죽박죽이었다 There was a great hubbub inside the house. or All was confusion within the house. ① ┈┈• 문이 안에서 열렸다 The door opened from within. ① ┈┈• 그의 장래는 내 손안에 있다 I have his future in my hands. ① ┈┈• 일주일 안에 within [in less than, inside of 「미」] a week ② ┈┈• 그 날 안으로 in the course of the day ② ┈┈• 기한 안에 within the time limit ② ┈┈• 한 시간 안에 회답하겠습니다 I will give you my answer in an hour. ② ┈┈• 천의 안쪽 the wrong side of the cloth ③ ┈┈• 안을 뒤집다 turn inside out. ③
March 17, 2013
that's a brilliant question, I'd like to know the answer too! Though I don't know the exact answer, let me guess it (to see it later if I was wrong, haha). 안 means location inside of something and 속 means interior of something.
March 17, 2013
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