How do you say "What's up" or "How are you doing" in Spanish? (in a natural way)
Jul 13, 2008 9:29 AM
Answers · 4
"What's up?" is in spanish is "¿Qué pasa?" and "How are you doing?" is "¿Qué estás haciendo?"
July 13, 2008
que mas, como andas?, que onda? , como te va? well this what i most remember now
July 14, 2008
Ademas uso "que tal?" y "Como estas?"
July 13, 2008
What´s up? = (formal way) Que pasa?!! = (informal way) Que pasa tio!!!? How are you doing?= (formal way)Que estás haciendo?= (informal way) Que haces tio!!? more or less :p I Hope that I helped you :)
July 13, 2008
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