my English is poor , but that is not my fault.
Jul 29, 2008 2:12 PM
Answers · 3
ni hao, no it is not your fault loll my chinese is poor too and i don't think it is my fault :))
July 30, 2008
Hi, in order to help you help yourself, here is my easy 4 step plan for you. 1. Once you've logged onto Italki, click onto Learning a Language = English. Click in your own language below.[Spanish] Look at the native speakers & feel free to email them and ask for help/advice. 2. Click onto the Files, Resources & Knowledge sections & complete the exercises provided for you. 3.Click onto Groups & join an English Learning Group and find a language partner. 4.Keep a notepad by your computer to write down any useful expressions that you see. Good Luck!
July 29, 2008
yes u are right its not your fault...all u need is alot of practice..u can`t be a good speaker only if u read books but u canbe a good speakerif talk in english alot with foreigners or with some of your friends
July 29, 2008
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