what does "you are swell"mean? what does "you are swell"mean?
Sep 1, 2008 12:45 PM
Answers · 3
"Swell" is a word which was popular many years ago, in the 1930's and 1940's and possibly even before that. To say someone is swell means he or she is a fine person. A situation can also be swell, as in the expression, "Gee, that's swell." The use of the word now usually is sarcastic.
September 1, 2008
"Swell" is a word which was popular many years ago, in the 1930's and 1940's and possibly even before that. To say someone is swell means he or she is a fine person. A situation can also be swell, as in the expression, "Gee, that's swell." The use of the word now usually is sarcastic. https://gas-stationsnearme.com/
April 25, 2022
意思是 你很好!你很棒!是旧的口语。但是有时候我听着这个单词。别的句子: You're one swell pal! (你是非常好的朋友) gee your swell mister 比如:你的朋友找到非常好的工作。然后他告诉你。 你告诉他 That's swell(真好!)
September 1, 2008
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