who can become my language communcation partner?
Sep 2, 2008 1:06 AM
Answers · 4
You can pick who you would like to communicate with. It varies on what you are looking for in a partner. If you would like to learn English, I will be glad to help you the best way I know how. Also, if you click on "find a language partner", put in your details at the top and click on someone that interest you. The only way to know if that person works with you is to give them a try....Let me know how it goes. =)
September 2, 2008
If you like, you can choose anyone... i think all persons are very knid here and they would like to exchange language as your friends.
September 2, 2008
hello there jeanne! i would like to inform you, you are welcome to me just give a message im right away.good luck and God bless you.
September 2, 2008
Hi Jeanne, just go up to Resources & click onto 'How to speak English like a native speaker'. You can find a study buddy when you click onto Find a language Partner at the top too. Don't forget to visit the sections; Resources, Files, Knowledge & Groups at the top of this page too. I wish you every success!
September 2, 2008
Still haven’t found your answers?
Write down your questions and let the native speakers help you!