Who/Where/What/Why/How In English, 'who' 'where' 'what' 'why' and 'how' are placed in the beginning of a sentence. How about for 한글?
Jun 30, 2015 2:39 AM
Answers · 1
Who 누가 Where 어디서 When 언제 What 무엇 Which 어떤 것 How 어떻게 Why 왜 In Korean these words (Wh) are placed after subject in a direct question sentence. However, if subject is "you"(너/당신), it is usually omitted and the omission makes Wh placed in the beginning of sentences. For example) 예를 들면 How are you? (너는) 어떻게 지내? Which movie do you like best? (너는) 무슨 영화를 제일 좋아해? Where is the Gyeong-bok palace? 경복궁이 어디에 있어요? How could Jane pass the test? Jane이 어떻게 시험을 통과할 수 있었어?
June 30, 2015
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