use of "nahin" In a sentence from Amarkant: अचानक उसे मालूम हुआ कि बहुत देर से उसे प्यास नहीं लगी हैं "Suddenly she knew that for a very long time she had been feeling thirsty" I understand all of this except "नहीं लगी हैं" - can someone translate this phrase and explain why it's negative?
Jun 30, 2015 7:29 PM
Answers · 4
This is about verb 'pyaas lagna'. अचानक उसे मालूम हुआ कि बहुत देर से उसे प्यास नहीं लगी है*(NOT hain हैं) "Suddenly she came to know that for a very long time she had NOT felt thirsty" pyaas lagna - to feel thirst. pyaas nahin lagna - to NOT feel thirst. If I feel like drinking water, in hindi, I will say - मुझे प्यास लगी है. Mujhe pyaas lagi hai i.e. I am thirsty or I am feeling thirsty If I am not thirsty, मुझे प्यास नहीं लगी है. Mujhe pyas NAHIN lagi hai - I am not thirsty Similarly, he/she is thirsty उसे प्यास लगी है he/she is NOT thirsty उसे प्यास नहीं लगी है
June 30, 2015
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