I just speak a little English.How to leare it?
Sep 9, 2008 6:27 AM
Answers · 3
Hi Kalun, You can join my forum if you like "The English Reading Club" http://onemansword.com/simplemachinesforum/ just click on "Register" and fill in the information. There are also other italki members there, I also have a "live classroom" where I teach English. See you there! Norman
September 10, 2008
September 9, 2008
Hi Kalun, in order to improve your spoken English, just go up to Resources at the top of this page & scroll down to 'How to speak English like a native speaker'. Then you can find an English speaker to talk to when you click onto Find a language Partner at the top. Join one of the Italki Groups, then click onto Resources, Files & Knowledge at the top where you will also find many tips for improving your English. Good luck.
September 9, 2008
Still haven’t found your answers?
Write down your questions and let the native speakers help you!