How to reply" I beg your pardon." If people said,“ I beg your pardon", what should we say? Is it correct to use " It's a pleasure." to reply it? And also, what are the differences among" It's a pleasure"/ " It's my pleasure"/ " With pleasure", and how to use them. Thank you so much for your answer!
Nov 6, 2015 1:39 PM
Answers · 7
No!! Don't say "it's a pleasure"! "I beg your pardon" can mean: - "I'm sorry" - "I didn't hear that, can you say it again?" - "You are a rude person and need to learn some manners!" (You will know it's this meaning from the tone.) "It's a pleasure" doesn't fit any of these. You would reply with "That's OK" or (in case you were rude), "I'm sorry". For the differences between "it's a...", "it's my..." and "with...", you'll learn the differences by using the phrases. Don't try to think about it too much. We use these naturally!
November 6, 2015
It is a multiple choice question in an exam, the other three choices are " It's nothing."; " You are welcome."; "Pardon?" Our teacher told us that " It's a please" is the right answer, but personally, I think none of them are right. What do you think? ..................... I think your teacher is wrong! Depending on the context and the tone of voice, "I beg your pardon' can mean: 1. 'I didn't hear what you said'. This would have a question intonation, and in this case you'd repeat your last words. 2. 'I'm sorry'. This would have a statement intonation, and in this case you'd say 'That's OK' , 'Don't worry about it' or a similar response. 3. 'You've said something rude or inappropriate'. In this case the person would clearly be annoyed or offended, and it would be need to apologise or explain why you said that. Between friends, this can be used in a joking way. In none of these cases would it be appropriate to respond with 'It's a pleasure'. 'It's a pleasure' is what you say when someone thanks you, and 'I beg your pardon' can never mean 'Thank you'. I'm sorry to say that your teacher doesn't seem to have any idea about basic polite exchanges in English! * If I were forced to choose one of these options, I'd go for 'It's nothing'. At a pinch, and said the right way, it could be taken as a response to an apology. It's not ideal, though.
November 6, 2015
When someone thanks you for doing something, all three phrases are appropriate responses; "It's a pleasure.", "It's my pleasure." and "With pleasure." When used in this way, there is no difference between them. For example: "Thank you for teaching me English." "No worries, It's my pleasure." If someone says, "I beg your pardon.", it usually means, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand you." or "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you." In that case, you can repeat what you said, "I'm sorry, I said....." If someone says, "I beg your pardon." and they seem offended, an apology or explanation is appropriate. For example, "I didn't mean to offend you. I was just trying to....." or "I'm sorry, I just wanted to know.... I didn't realize that was offensive."
November 6, 2015
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