What is the difference between yi dong fangzi and yi tao fangzi?
Dec 28, 2015 5:52 PM
Answers · 3
I think the former one is usually used to describe an individual building and the later one is to describe a specific living place like 'a set of apartment'
December 28, 2015
Actually, in China we usually use yi dong fangzi to describe a building which have many floors and yi tao fangzi means a single house or an apartment. For example, in downtown, we always say someone buy yi taofangzi(一套房子)not yi dong fangzi(一栋房子)
January 13, 2016
Yi doing fang zi : a building Yi Tao fang zi : a house Italki mandarin tutor:张琪 Jo
January 7, 2016
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