Mr Beer
Does the phrase correct? I never seem able to find the time.
Apr 16, 2016 1:15 PM
Answers · 5
Yes, it's a correct phrase. Grammar note: "Does the phrase correct?" - in this question, "correct" is a verb and the question is not complete. "Is the phrase correct?" - in this question, "correct" is an adjective. This is the question you wanted to ask.
April 16, 2016
I never seem *to be* able to find the time.
April 16, 2016
'seem' isn't replacing 'be', but 'be' has been left out. "I never seem able to find the time" - sounds perfectly correct to me (British native speaker)
April 22, 2016
The phrase is technically correct but yoou are more likely to encounter the version with "to be" in it
April 19, 2016
whether the verb "seem" replace verb "be" in this sentence.
April 16, 2016
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