Why is Hagrid called a gamekeeper in Harry Potter series? I'm not sure whether you're familiar with this series of not-interesting books known as Harry Potter and something, but here's a question: In these books Hagrid is referred as a gamekeeper. Why is that? I've found on the Internet that a gamekeeper is a person who manages a rural area including wild animals and some other stuff known as Game. What's confusing is that here's a school for wizards and some crazy people who aren't supposed to go hunting, and yet the person who manages the area around the school is called a gamekeeper. I suspect that there's something I've missed. btw, I'm sorry for my terrible English :/
Apr 29, 2016 12:26 PM
Answers · 6
Hagrid fits the description. He manages the grounds and that animals, which is why he is so close to the forbidden forest. You'll notice in the first book that when the unicorns are hurt he has to go in after them and either help them, or put an end to their misery. He's also in charge of finding, what they assume will be a an animal, hurt them. In the third book he even gets a position teaching the students about magical creatures.
April 29, 2016
I look it up the "Collins English Dictionary",this book defines "a gamekeeper is a person who takes care of the wild animals or birds that are kept on someone's land for hunting".So you can see, there are a lot of need to protect the magic creatures in the Dark Forest, and J.K.Rowling use the gamekeeper to describe the Hagrid's position. by the way, I'm Chinese, so I just do my best, hope it can help you.
April 29, 2016
I look it up the "Collins English Dictionary",this book defines "a gamekeeper is a person who takes care of the wild animals or birds that are kept on someone's land for hunting".So you can see, there are a lot of need to protect the magic creatures in the Dark Forest, and J.K.Rowling use the gamekeeper to describe the Hagrid's position. by the way, I'm Chinese, so I just do my best, hope it can help you.
April 29, 2016
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