Two short questions please 1_What does mean 他人 this sentence In English? 14 张明,去年医科大学毕业以后来我们医院工作。他人很好,给病人看病特别认真。 2_how to pronounce "C" in Chinese? 最低气温9 C
Apr 30, 2016 11:14 AM
Answers · 3
1. “他人很好”means “he the person is firendly” . 2.the correct form is "℃",you can pronounce it as "摄氏度 shè shì dù", but Chinese often just say "度 dù" 最低气温9℃ === 最低温度9度(摄氏度)
April 30, 2016
There are two meanings of "他人". Here is the first meaning. 1, the person. 他这个人 short for 他人. in here: 他人很好=the person ' s a nice guy. 2, another person. 其他人 short for 他人. like:如果你不能确定他人的感受,你可以提问。 If you’re not sure of how another person feels, ask them。
April 30, 2016
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