Is this correct, 'Turn right when you see a shop with a blue advertisement'? I mean there is a blue advertisement on the shop. If you see the shop, turn right. Thanks!
May 16, 2016 1:57 PM
Answers · 6
I would say, There is a blue sign on the shop. When you see the shop, turn right.
May 16, 2016
'Turn right when you see a shop with a blue signboard ( Name of the shop, etc . 'Turn right when you see a shop with a blue advertisement sign ( inside /outside or on its wall/glass panel)
May 17, 2016
Yes, this sentence is correct. I would change only one thing: "Turn right when you see the shop with a blue advertisement."
May 16, 2016
May 16, 2016
广告牌,billboard turn right when you see a shop with a green billboard
May 16, 2016
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