3 sentences are these three sentences natural sounding. Thanks I am sleep- deprived most nights. My son wakes up several times a night. Most my efforts to have a doze during the day while my son is sleeping are of no avail. I noticed when he sleeps on my belly he tolerates bouts of colic easily that's why I put him sleep with his tummy on my tummy and that's why I usually don't fall asleep till two am
May 18, 2016 9:53 AM
Answers · 2
Hi. Here are some general suggestions: I am sleep-deprived most nights because my son wakes up several times a night. Most of my efforts to nap during the day, while my son is sleeping, are to no avail. I noticed that when he sleeps on my belly he tolerates his bouts of colic more easily. That's why I let him sleep with his tummy on my tummy, and that's why I usually don't fall asleep until 2 am.
May 19, 2016
I am sleep deprived most nights. My son wakes up several times a night. Most my efforts to have a doze during the day while my son is sleeping are TO no avail. I noticed THAT when he sleeps on my belly, he tolerates bouts of colic easily , AND that's why I put him TO sleep with his tummy on my tummy, and that's ALSO why I usually don't fall asleep till two am. To not avail = ineffective , unsuccessful. Of no avail = not effective , of no use
May 18, 2016
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