Could you please suggest me some topics related to cultural studies? As Im going to work on my Term Paper, Im still confused about which Topic I must tackle, So I hope some of you suggest me some topics related to CUltural studies, something like (African Art, African Diaspora, African Folklore, Apartheid) I will try to choose the right one for me to work on!
Feb 5, 2017 1:45 AM
Answers · 4
Films, novels, popular music, fashion.... Ask your teacher/lecturer for advice if you are confused. I would suggest you keep the topic narrow particularly if it is a term paper. You could choose food and its influence on culture. For example, "coffee culture" is a term used nowadays to describe the proliferation of cafes where people meet with their friends, a feature of many European and north African and middle East cultures which has now spread more widely.
February 5, 2017
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