What kinds of items would you find being sold at a flea or street market? What kinds of items would you find being sold at a flea or street market? Would you ever go to such a market to shop? Why or why not?
Feb 13, 2017 9:01 PM
Answers · 5
Then you could say 'You can also find x, y and z' and list some other things that are sold in flea markets.
February 13, 2017
thank you and i appreciate that
February 13, 2017
You could correct your sentence like this: 'I usually go there to look for many things like clothes and accessories'.
February 13, 2017
; first my teacher asked me to share it and my answer is i usually going there and i have many items looking for like clothes and accessories could you correct the answer?
February 13, 2017
This is obviously a question from an exam. Why don't you try answering it YOURSELF, posting your response, and then we can correct it for you?
February 13, 2017
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