How to read these 받 침 ㄱㅅ; ㄴㅈ; ㄴㅎ ㄹㄱ; ㄹㅁ; ㄹㅂ ㄹㅅ; ㄹㅌ; ㄹㅍ ㄹㅎ; ㅂㅅ As I understand, with 받 침 which has letter pronounced like /t/ (such as ㅎ, ㅈ, ㅅ) , only the previous letter is pronounced. With 받 침 which has letter ㄹ, only the after one is pronounced. Is that right? Please answer in English.
Jun 28, 2017 3:00 PM
Answers · 4
* The rule 1. Pronounce with first consonant ㄳ => ㄱ ㄵ => ㄴ ㄼ, ㄽ, ㄾ => ㄹ ㅄ => ㅂ e.g. 넋[넉] 넋과[넉꽈] 앉다[안따] 여덟[여덜] 넓다[널따] 외곬[외골] 핥다[할따] 값[갑] 없다[업ː따] 몫[목] 몫도[목또] 몫까지[목까지] 얹다[언따] 얹지[언찌] 얹고[언꼬] 얇다[얄ː따] 얇지[얄ː찌] 얇고[얄ː꼬] 훑다[훌따] 훑지[훌찌] 훑고[훌꼬] 2. Pronounce with second consonant ㄺ => ㄱ ㄻ => ㅁ ㄿ => ㅂ e.g. 닭[닥] 흙과[흑꽈] 맑다[막따] 늙지[늑찌] 삶[삼ː] 젊다[점ː따] 읊고[읍꼬] 읊다[읍따] 칡[칙] 칡도[칙또] 칡까지[칙까지] 앎[암ː] 앎도[암ː도] 앎과[암ː과] 닮다[담ː따] 닮지[담ː찌] 닮고[담ː꼬] 읊다[읍따] 읊지[읍찌] 읊고[읍꼬] * The exceptions 1. ㄼ 밟- => [밥-] In front of consonant 넓- => [넙-] In front of 적, 죽 or 둥 e.g. 밟다[밥ː따] 밟소[밥ː쏘] 밟지[밥ː찌] 밟는[밥ː는→밤ː는] 밟게[밥ː께] 밟고[밥ː꼬] 넓적하다[넙쩌카다], 넓죽하다[넙쭈카다], 넓둥글다[넙뚱글다] 2. ㄺ ㄺ => ㄹ In front of a particle start with ㄱ(게, 고, 거나, 거든, ...) e.g. 맑게[말께] 맑고[말꼬] 맑거나[말꺼나] 늙게[늘께] 늙고[늘꼬] 늙거나[늘꺼나] * ㄶ, ㅀ ㄶ, ㅀ + ㄱ => ㄴㅋ, ㄹㅋ ㄶ, ㅀ + ㄷ => ㄴㅌ, ㄹㅌ ㄶ, ㅀ + ㅈ => ㄴㅊ, ㄹㅊ e.g. 많고[만ː코] 않던[안턴] 닳지[달치] ㄶ, ㅀ + ㅅ => ㄴㅆ, ㄹㅆ e.g. 많소[만ː쏘] 싫소[실쏘] ㄶ, ㅀ + ㄴ => ㄴㄴ, ㄹㄹ e.g. 않네[안네] 않는 [안는] 뚫네[뚤네→뚤레] 뚫는[뚤는→뚤른] ㄶ, ㅀ + vowel => ㄴ, ㄹ e.g. 많아[마ː나] 않은[아는] 닳아[다라] 싫어도[시러도]
June 29, 2017
It is hard to make a general statement for those compound consonants. We can say ㅎ and ㄹ are weaker and gives precedence to the other consonant in the pair, but there are exceptions. Ex: 않다 . [안타], 앓다 -> [앓타], 맑다 -> [막따], 삶 -> [삼]. 밟다 -> [밥따]. Exceptions: 넓다 -> [널따], 짧다 -> [짤따] You can see that the same ㄹㅂ pronounces as [ㄹ] in 넓다 and [ㅂ] in 밥다, with no clear reason. Also, even more difficult than their pronunciation in the root form is the way they can change in conjugated forms. For example, one important principle is that the two consonants are both pronounced if they are followed by a vowel. Ex: 굶어서 -> [굴머서], 늙은 -> [늘근], 핥아 -> [할타]. 짧아 -> [짤바]. Exception: 값어치 -> [갑어치]. (usually in compound nouns) Some words have peculiar pronunciation changes depending on the syllable that follow the compound consonant. For example, the 맑 syllable in 맑다 can change as follows. 1 맑다 [막따], 맑지만 [막찌만], 맑소 [막쏘] - pronounced ㄱ before most consonants. The next syllable is tensed. 2 맑고 [말꼬], 맑게 [말께], 맑기 [말끼] - becomes ㄹ before ㄱ, and the ㄱ in the next syllable is tensed. 3 맑은 [말근], 맑아서 [말가서] - becomes ㄹ before a vowel, and ㄱ makes the beginning of the next syllable. Given such exceptions and context-sensitive changes, it's best to learn their pronunciation as you encounter the words that use them. The dictionary usually lists irregular pronunciations along with the basic conjugations forms. The good news is that there aren't very many words with these compound consonants.
June 29, 2017
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