What's the meaning of "deck somebody"? Here is the original sentence: For the first time since I'd learned to dive away from trouble, I wanted to deck somebody THX!
Dec 12, 2017 12:27 PM
Answers · 9
My guess is that in this context it means "to beat somebody up".
December 12, 2017
A "deck" is the floor of a ship. "To deck someone" means you make them fall to the floor(deck) by punching them. it's common in Australia as well. Do not confuse this with "to dack someone". :)
December 12, 2017
It is a UK slang term. Deck = Punch or hit. e.g. "He decked the guy with one punch", "shut up or I'll deck you"
December 12, 2017
punch somebody to the ground
May 18, 2023
Oh I see. THX!
December 12, 2017
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