What's the meaning of 'RSVP'd'? What's the meaning of 'RSVP'd'? What do these abbreviations stand for? And what kind of situation could I use it properly? Thanks so much.
Jul 29, 2018 5:40 AM
Answers · 6
RSVP are the initial letters of a French phrase meaning "Please respond". You'll typically see these letters printed at the bottom of formal social invitations, such as wedding invitations. If someone has RSVP'd, it means that they have replied to the invitation, either accepting or declining it. As you can see, we've turned this abbreviation into a past tense verb ( or past participle) by adding 'd. We occasionally use this non-standard suffix when we're using a set of letters or acronymn as a verb : for example you could say, "The boss wants to be CC'd into all our emails".
July 29, 2018
Hi Addie. It is an abbreviation for a French term which means "please respond" EG. If you receive an invitation to a party it will have these letters printed on it. Welcome to Italki.
July 29, 2018
please respond
July 29, 2018
RSVP stands for "répondez s'il vous plait" (which you may have noticed is French). In the US, that abbreviation is often on invitations. It means that the person who sends the invitation wants you to tell them whether or not you are coming. Sometimes people slangily turn "RSVP" into a verb and will say "I RSVP'd" which means "I told the person who invited me whether or not I was going to go to their event."
July 29, 2018
It's French for "Respond please" or to be exact, répondez s'il vous plaît. If a 'D' is at the end that means someone has in fact responded promptly and reserved their place. This situation is for gatherings, formal and informal where one must sign up and reserve their invitation. Examples include parties, weddings and business meetings etc where they want an exact count for how many guest will attend for various reasons.
July 29, 2018
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