Please, help, what is Coys.? It's a military term or abbreviation, but I can't find the defenition... Please, tell me where I can read about it, or what is it =) For example: The battalion symbols were colored in red (COYS, A, B, C, D), white (Coys, E, F, G, H), blue (Coys, I, K, L, M) in numerical order. Or 1st Brigade: commanded by Colonel Colin Halkett 1st Light Battalion, King's German Legion (to December 1812) 2nd Light Battalion, King's German Legion (to December 1812) 1/6th (1st Warwickshire) Regiment of Foot (from November 1812) 3rd Provisional Battalion (2/24th and 2/58th Regiments of Foot) (from December 1812) 7 COYS, Brunswick-Oels
Aug 9, 2018 8:44 PM
Answers · 2
Hi, it is an abbvreviation for the word "Company" In singular it is "Coy" and in plural can be "Coys" Hope that helps
August 9, 2018
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