How bad is the word Jeez? I heard like Jeez is the shorten form of Jesus. But how bad it is? And there is one with the same pronunciation. Jizz. How bad it is? And how do you tell those two?
Jan 28, 2019 4:11 AM
Answers · 2
"Jeez" is not bad. It is a shortened form of "Jesus" -- which can be offensive to some people if used as an oath -- but "jeez" is a version of "Jesus" that is made to be inoffensive. Similar example: "darn" is a version of "damn" meant to be inoffensive -- the type of thing you can say around children. "Jizz" is pronounced differently -- short "i" sound instead of long "e" sound -- and has a totally different meaning. It is slang for semen. It is not very polite slang. You would not want to use this word in most conversation.
January 28, 2019
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