tongue firmly in cheek?? I stuck with this expression: He wrote, tongue firmly in cheek: "It's not dangerous to swim here" Some idea of what that means? ____________ Very grateful for your help
Jul 10, 2019 4:16 PM
Answers · 5
Thank you DavidK... I was wondering whether that expression needed some correction
July 11, 2019
I am stuck on this expression. (corrected) This expression puzzles me. (better)
July 11, 2019
Thak you Matthew! I see that you know chilean spanish haha!
July 10, 2019
Sorry - duplicating Matthew.
July 10, 2019
The expression "tongue in cheek" is used to denote irony or sarcasm. In this case, we can assume that it is in fact dangerous to swim there. ¿Cachai?
July 10, 2019
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