I always hear the word (sokka) when I watch an anime. I think it is like saying (Really?). How is it written?
Jan 16, 2010 7:22 PM
Answers · 8
>Skwerl りす-san As Shihei-san & tokyo-03 san mentioned, 「そっか(sokka)」is from 「そうか(souka)」. Sokka is much more casual, shortened and conversational version of Souka. Sou-desu-ka is for polite and formal situation.
January 19, 2010
Yep, "sou (desu) ka" it is. 'Sokka', for short. The 'ka' particle isn't really meant to make it a question, btw. It's like the German: "Ach so!?" Hence, when I encounter "Sou ka!" in Anime, I translate internally to "I see!" (which is pretty much short for "O, it's like that?! I see!"). There's a built-in realization moment, as it were, followed by the statement that you (now) understand. It's not just the same as wakarimasu! (also "I understand")
January 20, 2010
Hi, 「そっか(sokka)」 is from 「そうか(so-ka)」 as Cherry said. It's 「そう + か」. 「そう( so- )」 basically represents things that comes before. In English, it looks like [it] or [that] [so]. for example. [I think so]. Same pronounce, it's by chance :D [そう] is often used in conversation. I hope you understand what I wanted to say. If you have more questions, contact me anytime !
January 17, 2010
Hello Tsukinowa, "Sokka" comes from the Japanese phrase "So Ka" which means "I Understand." It was used in Avatar: The Last Airbender for a main character.
January 16, 2010
Skwer, now that I've learned hiragana (can you tell I'm proud? LOL), I think the 'tsu' in そっか (sotsuka) is just a way to form the double 'k'. So it really just says 'sokka', after all.
January 24, 2010
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