Expand your imagination! What would you do if you could manipulate dreams with the help of the dream-sharing technology from the movie Inception?
Choose from the list below and tell us the reason in the comments section.
Play a role in one’s dream
Save people from their nightmares
Plant an idea when dreaming
Other (Leave your idea in the comments)
201 quizzed
Sep 2, 2022 2:11 AM
Comments · 22
I would say, “plant and idea when dreaming” because it is through dreams that some people come up with life changing ideas that end up completely altering their lives for the better good. You will notice how some people tend to say they came up with a multi-billion business idea through a dream. Dreams are indeed a special aspect of our lives that we should consider taking seriously.
September 4, 2022
I just will try to replay myself life's again.
September 3, 2022
I'd want to do those things plus try out things that would normally be dangerous like they did in the movie :)
September 6, 2022
I would want to meet up with people in the dream world 😆
September 2, 2022
Maybe I'll try to feel another life
September 4, 2022
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