Today, I woke up much earlier than I expected: at 3 and a half. The first thing I did was to grasp for the ipad to make my to-do-lists done one by one. My dreams area amazingly small compared to many people's but I respect them. Therefore, I have to try every day to fulfill my dreams.
May 21, 2024 9:18 PM
Corrections · 5
Today, at half past three I woke up much earlier than I expected. The first thing I did was to grasp for the ipad to add items one by one to my to-do-list. My dreams area amazingly small compared to many people's but I respect them. Therefore, I have to try every day to fulfill my dreams. I don't understand your last two sentences. To what does "them" refer? Did you mean to say "area"? What is the link between your to-do list and your dreams?
May 22, 2024 1:45 PM
Today, I woke up much earlier than I expected: at 3:30 a.m. The first thing I did was to grasp for my iPad to make my to-do-list. My goals seem insignificant compared to many people's but I respect them nonetheless. I have to try my best every day to reach my goals.
May 22, 2024 10:42 AM
Today, I woke up much earlier than I expected, at 3:30. The first thing I did was grasp for the iPad to make my to-do list. My goals seem miniscule compared to many people's, but everyone has to start somewhere. I have to make an effort every day to accomplish my goals.
May 21, 2024 11:53 PM
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