Lep pozdrav. Moje ime je Alin, prihajam iz Slovenije in trenutno tukaj tudi živim. Delam kot umetnica, poučujem slovenščino, študiram energijske tehnike, znanost in nekaj tujih jezikov.
I love to read, spend time in nature, hang out with my cats, meet people from all over. I'm interested in a variety of different things and can carry a conversation about pretty much anything. I'll never stop learning and if I can share something with you along the way - even better.
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Me as a Teacher
Sem sproščena in potrpežljiva. Zelo dobro razumem morebiten občutek nerodnosti, ko začnemo govoriti v drugem jeziku, ampak to je za marsikoga del procesa in slej ko prej mine. Rada imam red in spoštujem tako vaš kot svoj čas, zato na ure prihajam točno in pripravljena.
I'm relaxed and patient. I understand that potential feeling of embarrassment when it comes to speaking in another language very well; however, that's part of the process for many and it passes eventually. I'm punctual and prepared for classes as I like order and respect both your time and mine.
My lessons & teaching style
Moje ure so bolj primerne za tiste, ki nekaj znanja že imate. Obravnavava vnaprej določene teme ali to, kar je v danem trenutku aktualno in zanimivo za vas. Opozorim na napake in jih popravim, po potrebi vam razložim slovnico in pripravim vaje za utrditev. Pomagam vam graditi besedni zaklad in pogosto dam tudi domačo nalogo.
My lessons are more suitable for those who already have some knowledge. We discuss pre-arranged topics, or we talk about whatever is important to you at any given moment. I point out and correct mistakes; I explain grammar and prepare exercises, if needed. I help you build vocabulary, and there's homework as required. Material is provided by me.
My teaching material
PDF file
Text Documents
Image files
Video files
Articles and news
Homework Assignments
Slovenian Lessons
Trial Lesson
0 lessons completed
USD 20.00+
General Topics.
A1 - C2Conversation1,455 lessons completed
USD 20.00+
Package with 4% off
Reading in Slovene.
A1 - C2Language Essentials88 lessons completed
USD 20.00+
Package with 4% off
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67 Reviews
44 Slovenian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Alin is an extraordinary teacher that I recommend to everyone. She is extremely dedicated and knowledgeable. All her resources and comments are insightful. She has a deep understanding of Slovene language in terms of grammar, history etc...Always a pleasure to learn with her.
Apr 12, 2024
81 Slovenian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Alin is an excellent teacher. I strongly recommend her to anyone who is learning Slovene. I have been working with her for some time now, and I look forward to every lesson.
Jan 10, 2024
20 Slovenian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Alin is very polite and patient, giving me a good grounding in both grammar and vocabulary when I make mistakes, and building my confidence in speaking.
Oct 18, 2022
Isadora Pamplona
3 Slovenian lessons
Alin went straight to the point and managed to extract from me things that I even didn't know were somewhere in my brain. I had the feeling it was a very "organic" lesson, that developed according to my own needs. Let's see where it will go next. :)
Jul 15, 2024
38 Slovenian lessons
Alin je dobra učiteljica. Daje veliko materialov in vse podrobno razlaga.
Jul 3, 2024
3 Slovenian lessons
interesting enough lesson. I felt really limited by my vocabulary initially, but later on context and word-root guesswork enabled me to make sense of the (basic) sentences.
We tackled the accusative and locative. There's still some memorising to do but I understand how they work and how they're formed. Hopefully I'll be able to master soon.