Italian teacher Silvia


Professional Teacher
Certified multilingual teacher. Native speaker with international experience. Master of Arts.
From ItalyLiving in Florence, Italy (03:54 UTC+02:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Jan 1, 2022
Interest topicMedical & HealthcareReadingArt
I am passionate about languages and literature. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Italian Studies with specialization in Linguistics from the University of Florence (Italy), and a Master of Arts in Literary Studies from Leiden University (NL) with German literature as major. Ich bin eine von Sprachen begeisterte Lehrerin mit einer Leidenschaft für die Genre Kinderliteratur und Fantasy. Bachelor Studium in Italianistik , Universität Florenz, Italien, Abschluß Cum Laude Masterstudium in Literaturwissenschaft, Universität Leiden, Niederlande, Abschluß Cum Laude DITALS I Zertifikat der „Università per Stranieri di Siena“. Ik ben een enthousiaste docente met een passie voor kinderliteratuur.

Italian Lessons

Italian language course. Class levels available: from beginner to advanced.
A1 -  C2


323 lessons completed
USD 35.00
Package with 5% off
Chat time - Conversation practice from lower intermediate to advanced.
B1 -  C2

Conversation Practice

124 lessons completed
USD 35.00
Package with 5% off
Italian to cheer you up: 5 comforting books about Italy that uplift your mood and bring you joy.
A1 -  C2

Conversation Practice

36 lessons completed
USD 35.00
Package with 5% off


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)
My creations
Quiz (1)

52 Reviews

Student Wendy Mazursky
Wendy Mazursky
51 Italian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Every lesson with Silvia is a true joy. I learn so much about various aspects of culture, history and current events and it is a pleasure to do it all in Italian. The hour flies by so quickly! My lessons with Silvia are one of the highlights of my week.
Apr 6, 2024
Student sharon kohls
sharon kohls
36 Italian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Abbiamo avuto una discussione molto interessante. Silvia ha sempre molto pazienza con la mia abilità limitata di esprimere mi stesso in una discussione più complicata! Lei è una bravissima insegnante!
Jan 21, 2024
Student Anthony O
Anthony O
37 Italian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Another excellent class with Silvia. I so appreciate the opportunity to work on all aspects of my language development - including reading and writing. Silvia creates a number of opportunities to engage with materials and incorporates just the right amount of grammar into each lesson. Grazie mille!
Apr 14, 2022
Student Wendy Mazursky
Wendy Mazursky
51 Italian lessons
Every lesson with Silvia brings me so much joy, it is like sitting with a friend over coffee having a fantastic discussion. The topics are always interesting and I feel encouraged with my progress every week.
Jul 13, 2024
Student sharon kohls
sharon kohls
36 Italian lessons
Grazie per una discussione molto interessante. Hai sempre molta pazienza con me e la mia abilità limitata di esprimermi! 😘
May 26, 2024
Student Wendy Mazursky
Wendy Mazursky
51 Italian lessons
Thank you Silvia for another fantastic lesson! Every week we cover so many interesting topics, not only linguistically, but culturally too. An hour flies by so quickly, our time together is a highlight of my week.
Apr 21, 2024
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