Italian teacher Francesco Moncini

Francesco Moncini

Community Tutor
Passionate, prepared and motivated tutor with 3 years of experience ready to help you with a smile
From ItalyLiving in Turin, Italy (03:45 UTC+02:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Feb 13, 2022
Interest topicWritingFilms & TV SeriesTravelReading
☀️Ciao! Piacere di conoscerti Sono Francesco. Sono attivo, curioso, sensibile e appassionato. Vengo da una piccola città vicino a Firenze e Pisa, nella mia amata Toscana. Attualmente vivo a Barcellona. Sono madrelingua italiano e fluente in Inglese e Spagnolo. Parlo anche francese e portoghese a livello intermedio Hi! I am Francesco, nice to meet you. I am active and curious, sensitive and passionate I come from a little town nearby Florence and Pisa, in my beloved Tuscany! Currently, I'm attending a master degree in International Cooperation and I live in Barcelona. I really enjoy teaching, learning languages and sharing my knowledge of italian with the others I love writing poems too

Italian Lessons

Trial Lesson
37 lessons completed
USD 5.00+
Basic Conversation: Let's start learning italian

Conversation Practice

361 lessons completed
USD 8.50+
Package with 5% off
Intermediate Conversation: let's keep learning italian
B1 -  B2

Conversation Practice

96 lessons completed
USD 8.50+
Package with 5% off
Advanced Conversation: let's sound like a native
C1 -  C2

Conversation Practice

30 lessons completed
USD 8.50+
Package with 5% off


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)
My creations
Quiz (14)

95 Reviews

Student Oliver Coleman
Oliver Coleman
23 Italian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Ho fatto tantissime lezioni con Francesco e posso dire con certezza che se non lo avessi come insegnante il mio italiano sarebbe TERRIBILE. Mi incoraggia tutto il tempo. Mi aiuta con la grammatica e il vocabolario ma sopratutto è molto molto divertente parlare con lui. Lui è il migliore. Fidati di me.
May 15, 2024
Student Ruben Aguilar
Ruben Aguilar
37 Italian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Francesco is an amazing person, and chatting with him feels like chatting with a friend. I feel comfortable with him, and we speak about a wide variety of topics during our lessons. He is highly encouraging, and he is excellent at typing out all his suggestions and corrections for me to improve more quickly. Francesco is extremely patient and kind. I highly suggest taking lessons with him if you want to practice speaking Italian with an open-minded and intelligent person and want to have fun while doing so.
Apr 4, 2023
Student Marco
37 Italian lessons
Teacher’s pick
Francesco is a great teacher and has helped me a lot to improve my Italian. The classes are very enjoyable and go by very quickly. He is really helpful and I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to learn Italian 😁
Feb 24, 2022
Student Paul Rothera
Paul Rothera
15 Italian lessons
Mi è piaciuto molto mi lezioni di italiano con Francesco, oggi, como sempre. Hemos repasado el tiempo verbal futuro esta vez. También he repasado cosas básicas como los días de la semana, los meses del año y los números cardinales del cero al mil. Hablamos de temas generales durante los últimos veinte minutos. Grazie mille per tutto, Francesco. Ci vediamo presto 😀
Jul 20, 2024
Student Paul Rothera
Paul Rothera
15 Italian lessons
Mi è piaciuto molto mi lezioni di italiano con Francesco ieri. Abbiamo parlato di molte cose. Creo que mi italiano está mejorando poco a poco y he aumentado mi confianza para hablar italiano, gracias a mi muy buen profesor Francesco. Grazie mille per tutto, Francesco. Ci vediamo presto, amico mio. 😀
Jul 11, 2024
Student Salim Majdi
Salim Majdi
13 Italian lessons
Always, always a delight! Thanks to Francesco, my spoken Spanish as well as my confidence to speak it grew beyond good. Whenever he’s in class, he gives me his full attention and makes sure I feel good and benefit of every second of my class.
Jul 8, 2024
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