Japanese teacher KAJI


Professional Teacher
Top 1% tutor in 2022 / Expert in JLPT N2-N3 prep & Beginner lessons
From JapanLiving in Utsunomiya, Japan (10:35 UTC+09:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Apr 5, 2022
Interest topicMusicFilms & TV SeriesFoodFashion & BeautyTravel
Hello! I’m KAJI. こんにちは!わたしはカジです。 My hobby is traveling, and I’ve been to 10 countries. 趣味(しゅみ)は旅行(りょこう)で、いままで10の国(くに)に行きました(いきました)。 I love to eat delicious food as well. おいしいものを食べる(たべる)ことも大好き(だいすき)です。 ★You’ll have confidence to talk through my lessons. あなたを、自信(じしん)を持って(もって)話せる(はなせる)ようにします。 ★Share me your goal and make study plans with me. 目標(もくひょう)を教えて(おしえて)ください。いっしょに学習(がくしゅう)プランをたてます。

Japanese Lessons

Trial Lesson
52 lessons completed
USD 7.00+
Learn from Textbooks! Grammar & Role Play(教科書で学ぶ!文法とロールプレイ)
A1 -  B2


191 lessons completed
USD 14.00+
Package with 5% off
JLPT Preparation N1~N5(JLPT対策)
A1 -  C1

Test Preparation

661 lessons completed
USD 16.00+
Package with 5% off
Learn through Activities! Fun Japanese(アクティビティで学ぶ!楽しい日本語)
B1 -  C2


25 lessons completed
USD 14.00+
Package with 5% off
Learn through Conversation! Real Japanese(会話で学ぶ!自然な日本語)
A2 -  C2

Conversation Practice

8 lessons completed
USD 12.00+
Package with 5% off


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)

151 Reviews

Student Shook Yen Chia
Shook Yen Chia
70 Japanese lessons
Teacher’s pick
It is always enjoyable to have lesson with Teacher Kaji with regards to knowing more about Japanese cultures and news! Looking forward for classes with Teacher Kaji every week!
Feb 4, 2024
Student Nathan
57 Japanese lessons
Teacher’s pick
I really enjoyed today's lesson. It was two hours and just what I needed to increase my knowledge and confidence. Kaji is an excellent teacher, plenty of content, examples and conversation.
Sep 30, 2023
Student Jeffrey
92 Japanese lessons
Teacher’s pick
Kajiwara-san is so helpful and friendly. I always have a good time. I really appreciate the effort and understanding she brings to each lesson. She is amazing.
Aug 28, 2022
Student ndorachan
3 Japanese lessons
Very disappointed that she can not speak English as well as advertised. When I am unable to understand a concept she can not explain in English. I can live with that. Specifically I gave her a few JPLT 2 Grammar level sample test questions, which I have the answer for, but don't understand exactly why another answer is incorrect. She has a hard time explaining why and then on top of that say "oh that is a level 4 grammar problem and you should study more grammar". Duh, why do you think I am asking her to explain specific grammar points? Well I happen to be using her a two grammar books (drill and text) and my wife is Japanese. The reason I am asking her these questions is because I still don't understand why the other answer is incorrect. Granted trying Grammar and trying to explain whey an answer is correct is much easier than explaining why an answer is incorrect. I find her response a little immature and perhaps a more senior teacher would know better.
Jul 21, 2024
Student Nathan
57 Japanese lessons
We had a great chat about holidays,family and the UK, I really enjoyed our chat. We also covered a couple of JLPT N2 grammar points and I have some homework to do which I enjoy.
Jul 20, 2024
Student Nicolas/ニコラス
30 Japanese lessons
Kaji-sensei not only helped me prepare for JLPT, she also taught me many things that were very helpful for daily life here in Japan. Highly recommended.
Jul 20, 2024
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