Chinese (Mandarin) teacher Lawrence


Community Tutor
Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Cantonese)
I am a good language partner who can make you improve a little bit every day.
From ChinaLiving in Shenzhen, China (09:28 UTC+08:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Feb 18, 2020
Interest topicHistoryBusiness & FinanceReading
大家好!我叫Lawrence, 来自中国,说普通话。 我是一名软件测试工程师,在一家德国公司的中国分公司工作。在业余的时间里,我学习英语。曾经,我想我永远也学不好英语了,因为我经历了无数次的努力与放弃,总是找不到语言学习的奥秘。语言学习带给我的只有压力与失望。 但是,从几年前开始,我决定再拼搏一次,而在我心里有一件事情我时刻铭记:不要再重复以前的学习方法了。我扔掉了词汇书【这是我每次必看的】,不再学习英语语言学习的课本,甚至不再去关注英语语法【直到我后来需要练习英语写作】。我从模仿说英语开始,然后直接阅读英语小说和看英语的电视,新闻。 总之,那些native speaker做的事情,我都要学着去做。这就是我彻底的改变。幸运的是,我成功了。我现在可以流利的阅读英语了,交流也没有太大的问题。 我想将我的那些学习经历分享给需要学习外语的人。学习语言的挑战或许不在语言本身,而是在学习的方法和个人个性的磨练。语言不是一门简单的知识,任何一门语言都承载着它所代表的文化和思维方式。所以从一开始,我们就要尝试各种方法来学会像用目的语言的人们一样思考问题和交流。假以时日,我们就会打开通向另外一种文化的大门。这是我认为学习语言最有意思的地方。 我觉得学习语言最大的挑战有两个方面:一个是学习方法,我们要时刻尝试寻找最有效的学习方法,如果不是这样的话,语言学习的漫长过程会消磨你的积极性和让你产生严重的挫败感;另外一个方面,就是自己个性的锤炼。我们要坚持,而且要愉快的坚持西下去。做到这一点很不容易,你需要在生活中一点点的改变。

Chinese (Mandarin) Lessons

Trial Lesson
37 lessons completed
USD 6.00+
Chinese writing correction
B1 -  C2


57 lessons completed
USD 5.00+
日常表达 | Daily Conversations: 通过对各种话题的讨论达到对语言的掌握,增加应用语言的信心。
A1 -  C2

Conversation Practice

697 lessons completed
USD 7.00+
Package with 5% off


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)
My creations
Vocabulary (2)
Quiz (47)

79 Reviews

Student Anwar
3 Chinese (Mandarin) lessons
Lawrence is an excellent teacher with a deep understanding on the language he teaches. He does a fantastic job of framing difficult to understand concepts in ways even a beginner can comprehend. He is also extremely attentive and patient which is just what you'd want from a language teacher. Don't hesistate to book a class with him!
Jul 21, 2024
Student Arthur
15 Chinese (Mandarin) lessons
Another awesome lesson with Lawrence! This class I finally decided to ask If we could try speaking only In Chinese, I asked Lawrence to use Chinese even when giving explanations! Or comments! After the class! I can now say that this was a very good decision! It lead to my Chinese improving just that little bit faster! I can feel that my Chinese will greatly improve, If I continue to take lessons with Lawrence! Thanks again Lawrence! All the best! -Arthur
Jul 2, 2024
Student 不帮你投票的娜娜
5 Chinese (Mandarin) lessons
Lawrence is a smart guy and a friendly teacher. He has a broad general knowledge, about the world and about China. And his own ideas, which makes him a very interesting discussion partner! Looking forward to his classes.
Jun 24, 2024
Student Arthur
15 Chinese (Mandarin) lessons
Had a great lesson with Lawrence! He was very energetic and full of life, never felt like he was bored or uninterested in the lesson. He has a deep knowledge of the Chinese language and answered any questions I had, Describing in detail the differences between "Textbook" Chinese, and the more idiomatic Chinese used in day to day life. We also discussed the differences between the way educated and non-educated Chinese speakers use their language, Absolutely fascinating discussion! I'm sure our future lessons will be just as fruitful! Thank you again Lawrence!
Jun 18, 2024
Student bign8
1 Chinese (Mandarin) lesson
Lawrence knows a lot about the Chinese language and speaks clearly
Apr 17, 2024
Student laura
2 Chinese (Mandarin) lessons
Really surprised and impressed by how Lawrence 老师 understood the challenges of improvement at an advanced language level and shared immediate learning strategies to guide my future studies.
Mar 18, 2024
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