Thai teacher Cake


Community Tutor
Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Cantonese)
Certified Teacher with 5+ years of teaching
From ThailandLiving in Hong Kong, Hong Kong (10:55 UTC+07:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Aug 27, 2021
Interest topicMedical & HealthcareMusicPets & Animals
My preferred name is Cake. My pronouns are they/them. Prior to teaching, I had worked for 6 years in both public and private sectors. My greatest achievements in life are being awarded EF High School Year Scholarships to US and New Zealand (a year each), MUIC Young Ambassador Scholarship to Canada for approximately 1 year and the British Council IELTS Prize (East Asia) 2020/21 - Local 1st Prize IELTS to the UK to pursue a Master of Art in Applied Linguistics at University College London (UCL) in the United Kingdom.

Thai Lessons

Trial Lesson
23 lessons completed
USD 5.00+
Thai Conversation Lessons
A1 -  C2

Conversation Practice

136 lessons completed
USD 5.50+
Package with 1% off
Thai Basics


198 lessons completed
USD 5.50+
Package with 1% off
Reading & Writing
A1 -  C2


16 lessons completed
USD 5.50+
Package with 1% off


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)
My creations
Vocabulary (5)
Podcast (1)
Quiz (11)

43 Reviews

Student อน่า​ အန်းန
อน่า​ အန်းန
20 Thai lessons
Teacher’s pick
100% recommend! I have been having weekly lessons with Kru Cake for about half a year now. I am a Thai language major at university so I have plenty of Thai classes, but I still prioritise these weekly lessons with Cake because they provide me with the speaking practice that is so essential to learning a language. Lessons with Cake are never boring because they are a creative and smart person who is happy to have a laugh or to talk about serious topics. They are very patient, let me speak as much as I like, and provide me with corrections in an encouraging way. They are a great teacher who really goes above and beyond. Thanks so much Kru Cake, as always!
Jun 13, 2024
Student tai5538
34 Thai lessons
Teacher’s pick
I love being able to learn about gender identity words in Thai! Been learning Thai weekly with Cake for almost 6 months now, I’m grateful! They have taught me so much and are flexible to teach in different ways (PowerPoint, google sheets, audio, etc.). They always customize classes if I want to focus on smthg. Best teacher 🥇
Sep 8, 2023
Student Paul Provence
Paul Provence
70 Thai lessons
Teacher’s pick
Cake is an amazing teacher. They are always prepared, they are knowledgeable, they are able to explain complex grammar, and they always make sure to give me opportunities to practice. 5 stars!
Jul 2, 2023
Student Chiara Puliga
Chiara Puliga
5 Thai lessons
Cake is an amazing teacher!! They’re super resourceful and adapt the lessons to your goals and even your personal interests!
Jun 11, 2024
Student Ryan Clark
Ryan Clark
13 Thai lessons
Cake is a great teacher
Jun 7, 2024
Student Ryan Clark
Ryan Clark
13 Thai lessons
Teacher Cake is a great teacher
Jun 5, 2024
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