Arabic (Maghrebi) teacher Fadia


Community Tutor
Arabic (Maghrebi)
From MoroccoLiving in Rabat, Morocco (02:36 UTC+01:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Nov 16, 2020
Interest topicTravelFoodWriting
I'm Fadia, 27,from Morocco. I'm an international trade graduate. I love learning and exchanging with people. I like reading and writing articles, therefore I try to keep improving my language abilities. I master French, Arabic, English, and have TOEFL and DALF certifications. I started learning Turkish and could practice it more when I lived in Istanbul for a while. I have several volunteering experiences in Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey. I'm interested in contributing to Education and Cultural understanding, therefore I believe in learning and sharing knowledge. I like discussing different topics and discovering new things.

Arabic (Maghrebi) Lessons

Arabic (Maghrebi)
Trial Lesson
151 lessons completed
USD 9.00+
Darija ( Maghrebi ) for beginners
A1 -  B1


198 lessons completed
USD 12.00+
Package with 10% off
Darija Conversation
B2 -  C2

Conversation Practice

108 lessons completed
USD 11.00+
Package with 7% off


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)

243 Reviews

Arabic (Maghrebi)
Student Irene De Teresa
Irene De Teresa
52 French lessons
Teacher’s pick
En plus d'être une excellente professeure de français, Fadia est très ouverte, intelligente et sympathique. C'est un vrai plaisir de parler avec elle, ce qui aide énormément à l'apprentissage de la langue. Ses cours sont amusants et intéressants. Elle a toujours des sujets de conversation qui correspondent à mes intérêts, et elle propose du matériel que j'ai trouvé utile en classe et en dehors. Avec elle, j'apprends également des expressions de la langue qu'il me serait très difficile de trouver par moi-même. Je la recommande très vivement !
Dec 6, 2023
Student Alexander Bondarenko
Alexander Bondarenko
50 French lessons
Teacher’s pick
Ce qui distingue les leçons avec Fadia, c'est son approche holistique de l'enseignement. Dans la classe, on ne se limite pas à la linguistique pure. Chaque leçon est aussi une occasion d'avoir un dialogue substantiel sur des sujets d'actualité. Ça rend l'apprentissage du français plus pertinent et intéressant. Donc, je dis un grand merci et je recommande vivement Fadia à tous ceux qui aimeraient approfondir leur connaissance du français de façon efficace et sans peine !
Jul 18, 2023
Student Jesse
39 Arabic (Maghrebi) lessons
Teacher’s pick
You can directly notice that teaching is in Fadia's nature. I highly recommend her if you want to learn one of the languages she provides classes for. She is really dedicated and helpful in making you better. One thing which separates her from the majority is that she can explain things very understandable. If you don't understand something she never has problems with making the transition from the aimed language to english and vice versa.
Dec 20, 2021
Student Badar
3 French lessons
Fadia is a proficient teacher in the language and has a high skill in communicating information.
Jul 25, 2024
Student Alex
1 French lesson
Excellent lesson! Thank you 😀👍
Jul 25, 2024
Student Uzair
2 French lessons
I had an excellent experience taking a French class with Fadia. She is very attentive and orients her teaching according to your needs. She shared some excellent tips, content and modalities that I can use to improve my language skills even outside of class. I would definitely recommend taking classes with her!
Jul 2, 2024
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