Japanese teacher Yuta ビジネス日本語 & 日常会話

Yuta ビジネス日本語 & 日常会話

Community Tutor
Chinese (Mandarin)
中日双语教学 / 多年日商工作经验
From JapanLiving in Taichung, Taiwan, China (04:39 UTC+07:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Jun 29, 2021
InterestsSports & FitnessTravelReading
*職務経歴書作成・面接対策をご希望の方はメッセージを先に送ってください。 *目前恕不接收15岁以下学生 / Currently not accepting students under the age of 15. こんにちは。コミュニティーチューターのゆうたです。 日本の岐阜県出身で、今は台湾の台中に住んでいます。東京、フィリピン、タイにも住んだことがあります。 私は以前に日本の伝統的な大企業から、小さなIT企業まで、3つの会社で働いた経験があります。 今は自営業として一人でE-commerceのビジネスをしています。 旅行をすることが好きで、アジアはほとんどの国へ、ヨーロッパはドイツとオーストリア、チェコ、あとはカナダとハワイに行ったことがあります。 大家好,我叫Yuta,來自日本中部的城市岐阜縣,目前我住在台灣! Hi, I'm Yuta. I was born in Gifu prefecture which is located in the middle area of Japan. About me The places I lived before -Gifu, Tokyo, Manila(Philippines),Chiang Mai(Thailand), Kaohsiung(Taiwan) Hobbies - Watching NBA (I like Toronto Raptors) - Learning Languages (English & Mandarin) - Gym - Traveling
Attendance rate
Response rate

Japanese Lessons

Trial Lesson
21 lessons completed
USD 6.00+
日常会話 自由话题 Free Talk
B1 -  C2


358 lessons completed
USD 8.00+
ビジネス日本語 商务日语 Business Japanese
B1 -  C2

Language Essentials

77 lessons completed
USD 10.00+
B1 -  C2

Language Essentials

10 lessons completed
USD 18.00+


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)

108 Reviews

Student Lei
9 Japanese lessons
Teacher’s pick
My first conservations lesson with Yuta Sensei was great. Sensei was heartening, and created a sense of comfort with patience and positive feedbacks. He encouraged me to talk more, especially when I was stumbling or struggling to find the right words. Sensei also spoke in a style and speed that was relatively easy for me to follow, so I didn’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of unclear information and become afraid of asking questions on the things I didn’t catch or understand. Yuta Sensei was also prepared and flexible. He asked questions and initiated topics not only based on my profile introduction but also from the conversation flow itself, which made the lesson feel less interview-like and more genuine. Yuta Sensei also paid attention to the details in my speech and helped me correct mistakes and replace unnatural expressions. Zoom doesn’t auto-save chat history, so Sensei typed all our notes in italki messages, which I appreciated. 本当に楽しかったです。 ありがとうございました。 次のレッスンを楽しみにしています!
Oct 4, 2021
Student Chris
19 Japanese lessons
Teacher’s pick
Yuto san is a really really kind guy!yasashi hito desu! his Chinese is like super super good, so i can completely understand what he said (it's kinda important for me about how much I can understand). And also, i can learn a lot from him cuz he also has the experience on learning Chinese. New teacher but deserve to try! Dying to see u at ur class!
Jul 1, 2021
Student Mark  ✨
Mark ✨
11 Japanese lessons
Fantastic as always! Really recommend !
Sep 26, 2023
Student Patrick Sanchez
Patrick Sanchez
24 Japanese lessons
Teacher’s pick
First one hour lesson with Yuta-sensei. Such a good lesson. I can really feel myself progress during his class. And he does such a great job improving my Japanese while engaging in such a nice conversation. Exactly what I need.
Jul 8, 2021
Student Mark  ✨
Mark ✨
11 Japanese lessons
Fantastic as always. I've recommended to my colleague who wants to learn Japanese too!
Oct 10, 2023
Student Lei
9 Japanese lessons
Yesterday I had so much fun talking with Yuta sensei. We discussed many things, and as usual Yuta sensei was very diligent and made detailed notes along the lesson. His patience really helped me relax, ask more questions, and share more about my Japanese learning experience. I’ve been feeling a bit of frustration with my Japanese pronunciation and intonation as it became difficult to make noticeable progress on my own. Yuta sensei showed me a new aspect to work on, and this discovery helped me notice and understand a lot of my bad habits. Having found something specific to improve on feels really exciting and motivating :p Looking forward to our next lesson!
Sep 14, 2023
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